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Monday, November 14, 2005

SPM - Good luck!

How I remember this day 2 years ago - the numerous sleepless nights, the endless supply of caffeine, the multiple text books, reference books, practice exams, the scary dreams I would have about missing a Chemistry exam - Oh SPM 2003, I curse you to a slow, painful death.

To all of you who are taking your first papers today: You will look back upon this day many years later, remembering the fear and worry you are feeling right at this instant. But it will not matter then - SPM will just be another memory to you, just as it is to me at this moment.

For this moment, though - Good luck and God bless. You guys will do well, I'm sure of it.


Blogger joyce said...

Well, all I can say is maybe you guys should pay slightly more attention to the fact that this is one of the biggest exams you'll ever take.

I took an extra subject, Eng Lit

10:13 AM


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