Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 19:26:13 -0800 [01/02/2006 10:26:13 PM EST]
Subject: Education Roadshow Summer 2006
Dear all,
Some of you may have heard that last summer, of a a group of Malaysian students studying in the US decided to travel around Malaysia as part of an education roadshow to secondary schools in Malaysia. Now these students have gotten old (LOL..) and have alternate summer plans so I propose we take up their efforts this year in our own Education Roadshow Summer 2006! Let's get together and make it
When: Summer 2006 (May - September 2006)
Where: All around secondary schools in Malaysia
What: Promoting alternate ways of obtaining higher education to students in secondary schools in Malaysia. We give them the information they need on admissions, financial aid, scholarships etc.
Who's involved? : Anyone studying outside Malaysia who wants to share experiences and encourage more Malaysians to aply to their university/country. Anyone who wants to be a part of a good thing. Anyone who wants to have fun and be doing something worthwhile as well.
I've compiled a list of possible doubts/questions you may have and answered them as best I can:
1. American colleges only?
No. This roadshow is to provide information on all sorts of education opportunities outside Malaysia, hence it would be wonderful if Malaysians studying all over the world would participate to share experiences. You remember how clueless you were when you were applying, let's answer the questions that no one helped us answer!
2. I don't want to give up my summer!
Look at this as a way for you to do a good thing while travelling around Malaysia. Giving talks at schools by day and hitting the town by night. All round Malaysia...meeting new people, seeing new places, can anyone say roadtrip? :)
Plus, you dont have to give up all three months of your precious summer. Just let us know when you are free, and we'll fit it around everyone else's availability - and draw up a neat little schedule.
3. How long will this take?
This really depends on you guys. Basically all of us will get in touch with as many secondary schools as we have contact with and the number of schools will determine the length of the roadshow. But as i wrote above, you dont need to be there for the entire roadshow, just when u are available.
4. Costs?
Whoever has an available car must feel duty bound to offer it for us to drive from place to place :P :P For those who want to give talks in East Malaysia, then there will be flight costs to take into account. We will try to get some degree of financial assistance from our respective universities. Once again, i ask you to take this as a holiday that you would pay for anyway, while doing a good, noble thing.
5. Will it be fun?
DUH of course. Put a bunch of young people on the road , how could it not be fun?
6. Is it worth my time?
Yes i see the question already...yes it will look good on your resumes. "Part of independent effort to promote education nationally." Sound good? Hehe. Also, possible newspaper publicity if you like to get your photogenic side profile in the national dailies.
7. Will I get in trouble? I see no conceivable way you could get into trouble unless you get too drunk and decide to run through Kelantan naked, in which case it would not be the fault of the roadshow anyway. LOL.
8. Can my friends get involved?
Of course, the more the merrier. Just get them to email me their details.
9. I have more questions because you just suck at predicting and answering them :P
Email me at
10. Can i confirm later?
Yes, but as soon as possible.
So if you're interested, please email me back the following details:
- your name and contact number+email address
- what secondary schools you can get in touch with
- your availability with as much exactness as possible
- your university (for financial assistance we hope to get from them)
- whether you have an available car and can drive it/allow it to be driven from school to school.
Vanessa (who is suffering in rainy California right now... hehe)
Happy new year all!!!!!
Vanessa Chan is currently in her freshman year at University California at Berkeley. She is originally from Petaling Jaya and is studying Economics. She and Nick go way back.
If you are interested in participating in the Education Roadshow 2006, please email